Os dez melhores discos de 2018 segundo Apolo Victorino

Segue a lista do conspiracionista anarquista niilista do Jaçanã, também rei do grindcore/death/funk ostentação da ZN, ex-baixista cabuloso e namorado da Carla, Apolo Victorino. Pega essa:

1. Harm's WayPosthuman (Metal Blade)
2. WombripperFrom the Depths of Flesh (Redefining Darkness)
3. Organic – Carved In Flesh (Testimony)
4. Funeral ChicSuperstitious (Prosthetic)
5. 兀突骨 Gotsu-Totsu-Kotsu – 背水之陣 ~The Final Stand (Bang The Head)
6. Expurgo – Deformed By Law (Black Hole)
7.  Soulfly – Ritual (Nuclear Blast)
8. Ängie – Suicidal Since 1995 (Rich Parents/Universal)
9. Jesus PieceOnly Self (Southern Lord)
10. Born To Murder the World – The Infinite Mirror Of Millennial Narcissism (Extrinsic) 
